In honor of the Earth Day (April 22, 2021), we are making Voices of the Earth: From Sophocles to Rachel Carson and Beyond available free of charge for non-commercial use, to promote environmental awareness and activism, for use in schools and by arts councils, and for free public readings and performances.

With a cast of 90 different characters – poets, naturalists, scientists, politicos, deniers, and heroes – all of them real, most of them sane, Voices of the Earth presents a kaleidoscope of views on the earth we inhabit, and the existential crisis we face, ending with a call to action. 

The project is available in several forms: the script for reading and performance; an 80-minute audio/visual presentation for screening or ZOOM; the same audio/visual presentation separated into nine roughly 9-minute episodes; the full-length program audio only; and 22 three-minute episodes designed for radio or other audio formats.  

Register below for access.

