As well as the Palo Alto Daily Review here!
Our 19th summer festival The Many Faces of Farce (July - August 2017) includes an evening of three Chekhov farces, The Bear, The Propsal, and The Anniversary, followed by a devised piece based on the great Russian theater experimentalist Vsevolod Meyerhold’s 1935 adaptation of these same pieces. Meyerhold's version, entitled 33 Swoons, was a critical failure in the USSR and got him into political and aesthetic trouble. Stalinist police closed down his theater in 1937, arrested him in 1939, and executed him in 1940. The combination of these theater pieces provides the opportunity to view these farces in a political light, even as it demonstrates that avant-garde work often has a heritage rooted in a "classical" tradition. The productions will be directed by SRT Associate Artistic Director Alex Johnson.
The Many Faces of Farce performs Thursday - Saturday at 8 pm, Sunday 7 pm, with matinees on Saturdays and Sundays at 2 pm (all matinee performances followed by post-show discussion). The Chekhov farces will be followed by an intermission, and then the performance of 33 Swoons. The evening runs under 2 hours, including intermission. Performances take place at The Nitery Theater (Building 590, Old Union, 514 Lasuen Mall, opposite the Bookstore) on the Stanford campus. Tickets are on sale now: click HERE.